Your property needs too much work!

“Your property needs too much work!”

“It’s not worth anything more than lot value!” 

Do you know how many times I hear property owners tell me things like this?  They have been told this by real estate agents and friends who don’t understand what investors like myself are looking for.  If you feel trapped in your home because you can’t afford to do renovations or maybe you just don’t have the time and energy to put into fixing things up to sell at “appraised value” then let me fill you in on a little secret.  Investors like myself look for properties like yours.  I know that you need the extra cash to move forward.  I know that you can’t walk away and give your home away, but I also know that your home is worth something just the way it is!








If you or someone you know has a property that fits this description, please give me a call.  Sitting down with homeowners in situations like this and coming to an agreement that works for everyone is what I do.  As an investor I need to buy at a fair price.  That doesn’t mean taking advantage of you.  It means finding a solution that works for you and for me.

Many real estate agents walk into a home that needs fixing up and create a punch list of things that need to be done in order to sell at full value.  They make more commission this way.  This requires you to spend more, invest more of your time and quite frankly you probably don’t have either to spare.  This is where I can help!

In the last real estate transaction that I made, the home was worth about $250,000.00 fixed up.  This home was flooded, had never been renovated, most of the rooms were out of date and the kitchen; although functional, needed quite a bit of renovating.  It needed about $60,000.00 to bring it up to retail value.  I paid off the old mortgage, gave the homeowners $10,000.00 to start over, saved their credit and the headache of fixing the house up.  I put about $30,000.00 in it and sold it for less than retail which gave someone else a chance to buy it less than retail and do what they wanted to it.  Not a bad deal for all parties right?

Nick Brocato- 504-756-6425


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